On the presentation of character in romance see, for example, Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism (New York: Atheneum, 1968), p. 304; [p. 32] John Stevens, Medieval Romance (New York: Norton, 1973), p. 171-77; Gillian Beer, The Romance, The Critical Idiom, 10 (London: Methuen, 1977), p. 10. (N. from the A.)
Cervantes and the Humanist Vision (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983), pp. 126-31. (N. from the A.)
See his Novedad y ejemplo de las «Novelas ejemplares» de Cervantes (Madrid: Ediciones J. Porrúa-Turanzas, 1980) I, 138. I wish to thank Peter Dunn for calling my attention to this observation. (N. from the A.)
Don Quijote de la Mancha, I, «Prólogo». I follow the edition in the Obras completas, II (Madrid: Aguilar, 1970), p. 1211a. (N. from the A.)
In English as The Order of Things (New York: Random House, 1970), p. 46. (N. from the A.)
For a reading compatible with the one proposed here, see Jean-Luc Nancy, «Mundus est fabula», MLN 93 (1978), 635-53. (N. from the A.)
The Resources of Kind: Genre-Theory in the Renaissance, ed. Barbara K. Lewalski (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973), p. 31. (N. from the A.)
On the Wunderkammer and the Renaissance passion for collections, see Steven Mullaney, «Strange Things, Gross Terms, Curious Customs: The Rehearsal of Cultures in the Late Renaissance», Representations 3 (1983), 40-67. (N. from the A.)
See Jacques Derrida, «La Loi du genre», Glyph 7 (1980), 176-201; English trans. «The Law of Genre», ibid., 202-29. (N. from the A.)
On the latter, see Arthur Efron, «Bearded Waiting Women, Lovely Lethal Female Piratemen: Sexual Boundary Shifts in Don Quixote, Part II», Cervantes, 2 (1982), 155-64. See also the reply of Cesáreo Bandera, «Healthy Bodies in Not-So-Healthy Minds», ibid., 165-70, and Efron's rejoinder, «On Some Central Issues in Quixote Criticism: Society and the Sexual Body», 171-80. The problem which Bakhtin would focus in terms of the absolute novelty of the novel and its anticanonical status (see note 9 below) seems implicit in these discussions. (N. from the A.)