These feelings become especially intense on Christmas Eve (when the Jews are not celebrating, p. 47), when Soriano has to buy supplies from Jewish merchants (pp. 117-18), and when he can obtain Moroccan currency only from a Jewish money-changer (pp. 141-48). Soriano is also shocked when he learns the Italian embassador considers the Jews «una raza de respeto» (p. 392) and in his last sentimental tour around Marrakesh before leaving, Soriano is reminded of medieval Spain. «Creemos que va a salir pronto, de obscura calleja, un rey de Castilla, que en la judería se han de repetir las tremendas matanzas de Toledo y Sevilla» (p. 399).
Soriano usually uses this Arabic word: «Melag o barrio judío», but on occasion the Spanish Judería.
I am indebted to the University of Kansas's General Research Fund and also to its Endowment Association for the opportunity to conduct research both in Las Palmas and Marrakesh.
La Nicolasa abandons Almudena, «Misericordia», Obras completas (Madrid: Aguilar, 1950), 2.ª edición, ed. F. C. Sainz de Robles, V, p. 1972. All references in text and footnotes are to this edition.
Soriano: diamante fino, diamanta fino (pp. 276-77); Ispania (pp. 197-198). Galdós: diamanta fina (p. 1913), Ispania (p. 1913). Although spelling differently both authors italicize errors with the word mujer (Soriano: mujera, pp. 276-77; Galdós: muquier, p. 1912 et passim) and conmigo (Soriano: conmiga, wrong gender, p. 277; Galdós: migo, pp. 1911, et passim).
It has been repeatedly shown that Galdós usually read widely and collected material from various sources before starting to create Jewish characters. (See especially Walter T. Pattison, Benito Pérez Galdós and the Creative Process [Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1954], pp. 88-102; and Vernon A. Chamberlin, «Galdós' Sephardic Types», Symposium, 17 [1963], 85-100).
Vernon A. Chamberlin, «Galdós' Use of Yellow in Character Delincation», Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 79 (1964), 158-63.
Chamberlin, «Galdós' Sephardic Types», pp. 85-100.
Chamberlin, «Galdós' Sephardic Types», p. 92.
Pp. 46, 48, 72, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84.
Cf. Sara E. Cohen, «The Jewish Theme in Misericordia», Anales galdosianos, 8 (1973), 55.