Selecciona una palabra y presiona la tecla d para obtener su definición.



Concerning Galdós' respect for physicians, see: Granjel, «El médico galdosiano», in: Baroja y otras figuras del '98 (Madrid, 1960), 247-69; Granjel, «Personajes médicos de Galdós», Cuadernos Hispano-Americanos [Madrid], LXXIV (Oct. 1970-Jan. 1971), 656-63. See also the article by Dr. José María López Piñero in the same issue, pp. 664-77.



Marañón Elogio y nostalgia de Toledo (Madrid, 1958), 145.



The many dimensions of the Tolosa-Galdós friendship can be studied in: Cartas entre dos amigos del teatro. Manuel Tolosa Latour y Benito Pérez Galdós, ed. Ruth Schmidt (Las Palmas, 1969). See also her article: «Manuel Tolosa Latour: Prototype of Augusto Miquis», Anales Galdosianos, III (1968), 91-94.



Robert J. Weber, «Galdós' Preliminary Sketches for 'Torquemada y San Pedro'», Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, XLIV (1967), 16-27. See also Robert Ricard, «Tolosa Latour, el P. Lerchundi, y 'La Loca de la Casa'», Anales Galdosianos, III (1968), 87-90.



Galdós, Prologue to «Niñerías», in: Obras, VI, 1481.



Not until 1911 is Kraepelin's handbook translated into Spanish, and its use until then must have been extremely restricted. See: Kraepelin, Introducción a la clínica psiquiátrica, trans, by Dr. Santos Rubiano (Madrid, 1911) as listed in Antonio Palau y Dulcet, Manual del librero hispano-americano, 2nd ed. (Barcelona, 1948-1968), III.



This is the opinion of Berkowitz, who discusses the question of Galdós' «intellectuality» in his prologue to: La Biblioteca de Benito Pérez Galdós: Catálogo razonado precedido de un estudio (Las Palmas, 1951), 7-17; for the references to works on psychology and psychiatry, see Ibid., 18-26, 40-42, 64-65. Berkowitz refutes Jacob Warshaw's claim that Galdós' library was not the basis of his reading, that he borrowed from the National Library or from friends. See Warshaw, «The Casa-Museo Galdós -- For sale?», Hispania, X (1927), 233.



For the four works by Maudsley in translation (apparently the only ones published in Spain), see: Palau y Dulcet, Manual, VIII, 1371.



E. Dale Randolph, «A Source for Maxi Rubín in 'Fortunata y Jacinta'», Hispania, LI (1968), 49-56.



Marañón, Elogio de Toledo, 145.
